Climate Solutions Spotlight
Meet two cutting-edge companies at the forefront of climate action. Joe Mearman (Energy Efficient Technologies) and Tristam Coffin (êffecterra) share their innovative strategies for helping companies and organizations lower their emissions.
Want to learn how one technology can save 8%-20% of your overall electric bill and carbon footprint in every building? Energy Efficient Technologies has been helping commercial customers save energy for over 16 years across the country. Using over 35+ years of R&D experience to deploy and evaluate over 200 technologies and process changes, one technology has proven to be the most impactful and works in every building. Learn how your company can use utility rebates for adopting their technology.
Do you need insight into the most impactful strategy for reducing your company’s emissions – including refrigerants? êffecterra is a Public Benefit Corporation that provides sustainability technical support to companies and investors, as well as government entities. They are a global team of pragmatic innovators, problem solvers, diverse thinkers and doers, with a shared purpose; they use a technical problem-solving mindset & deep expertise to solve sustainability challenges and reduce GHG emissions.